Active Duty Favorites: Dinks Infamous Latrine, Scene 01

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Over the years the bathroom has played a major role in many of my videos.In fact, in just about every early solo of mine, while I was guestdirecting for the Dirk Yates Private Collection, things always ended out with the guy taking a shower after hed gotten off.Dirk Yates said that they had originally planned on cutting these segments out of those videos altogether, but it dawned on him that the shower endings were kind of a signature that made it mine.The name Dink Flamingo came as a result of one of those early solos while filming a hot, muscular alpha male who went by the stage name Ronnie Vance in a shower scene.Ronnie was a hardcore soldier who would eventually work his way up through the Special Forces ranks and don the coveted Green Beret.When I was working with Ronnie he was just a rowdy Ranger who hailed from Bostonthick Bostonian accent intact!While filming Ronnie in the shower one day he slipped and fell.Unharmed he stood up, shook it off and said, God Damn, Dink, you need to get some of those stickers to go on the bottom of the tub before someone breaks theirfucking neck!I shot back, Should I get fish or flamingos!He thought for a minute and suddenly his eyes l

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